one-page websites

Examples, advantages and disadvantages

everything on one single page

A "one-page" site is a website composed of a single page and whose navigation is essentially vertical. Given its condensed format, a single-page site is not suitable for all website projects. It also involves successful work in terms of design and navigation between the different sections of the page.




Why make a one-page website?

A one-page site is more suitable for certain uses of the web. Single-page formats are widely used by companies that want to present an event, launch a new offer, a new service, carry out marketing tests, or enhance their sales network. The one-page site used as a resume is very common in Asia. It offers many more ways to capture the interest of a potential recruiter and usefully complements a Linkedin page. One-page sites are very relevant as digital, uncluttered and ergonomic showcases.



Here are some examples of one-page sites made by Hypno Luxo Ltd:



For a company in Mauritius, a one-page site allows you to :

  • Do marketing tests or A/B tests very easily. The idea is then to make a page to present an offer and then to decline it by changing a few elements each time (color or location of a button, texts, visuals) to optimize the effectiveness of a web page,
  • Set up a teasing message when launching a new offer, for a specific event, or for a preview,
  • Serve as a homepage as part of an Adwords or Facebook Ads type advertising campaign,
  • Create a landing page. This practice, often used consists of creating a web page whose content includes all the arguments related to one of your targets and which is not directly accessible from the menu of your website. Make a very minimalist showcase site, a simple digital identity card, with very little information.

The inconveniences :

  • Opting for a single-page site can strongly impact the overall performance of the site.
  • Page load speed: This is one of the biggest issues. Indeed, since the site contains only one page, all the content is within it, which automatically slows down the loading speed of the site.
  • SEO in search engines: The one-page format is not the most suitable for a successful SEO strategy. When a single page makes up a website, it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to optimize several keywords of several themes for search engines.

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